Jintu Visitor's Center
2007 S.E. Hawthorne, Portland, Oregon
Open 10:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.

This cabinet
displays Japanese products-green tea, barley and wheat grass juice,
garlic extract tablets,
and kelp root extract tablets-plus herbal honey from India, Chinese
herbal soup blend for chicken soup
(or tofu-miso soup), and lycium fruit. On the wall is a Japanese Sumo
Wresting painting, a gift from
Kunio Suzuki, head of Kenshin Trading, which imports most of the Japanese

The cabinet
to the left displays topical therapies-grapefruit seed antiseptic products,
Korean plasters,
and Chinese plasters, oils, and liniments-plus Nutra-Soy beverage powder
and a selection of
cough syrups. The cabinet to the right holds free literature about each
of the items (additional reading materials
are placed adjacent to the display areas); this is the same literature
seen on our web site.
A table and chairs gives visitors a chance to sit and read the documents.