The Internet Journal of the Institute for Traditional Medicine


This free internet journal was launched in May 2002 to make information about traditional medicine and related subjects more readily accessible by readers of all backgrounds from around the globe. It follows up on a long history of publications by the Institute for Traditional Medicine (ITM) that began with the first issue of its print version, the Journal of the Institute for Traditional Medicine, in 1983. These later evolved into a Subscriber Service, providing articles to practitioners of Chinese medicine (1988-1993), and then the START Group (State of the Art, Academics, Research, and Therapeutics) manuscripts (1993 to present). The START Group is a membership organization primarily involving practitioners and students of traditional medicine, who receive mailings of the manuscripts three times per year. Several of these manuscripts have been posted on the ITM website.

The internet journal articles are derived from earlier START manuscripts: they are updated, reformatted, and supplemental information is provided, some of it taken from other START manuscripts that have overlapping subject matter. While most of the START manuscripts were aimed at practitioners with extensive training and experience in traditional Chinese medicine, these revised articles are aimed at all interested readers. The articles contain considerable jargon of traditional and modern medicine, as well as references to traditional books, famous scholar and physicians of the past, and a variety of philosophical and cultural topics. These technical aspects can make it difficult for the lay person to read the entire article with ease. However, it is hoped that all readers will find something of interest and inspiration in these articles.

Comments and Further Research

It is not possible for the author or the Institute to respond to most personal inquiries that readers may have, especially individuals searching for help with their own health problems. For such questions, you are directed to a practitioner of traditional medicine (a partial listing is accessed here). Students, researchers, and teachers are encouraged to look closely at the list of references in each article to get a better idea of where to seek further information, and also to access the other articles on our main Website (ITM Online) or via membership in the START Group.

About the Author

Subhuti Dharmananda, Ph.D. is the author of the journal articles (unless noted otherwise). He received a Ph.D. in Biology from the University of California in 1980, and has been Director of the Institute for Traditional Medicine since then.

About the Webmaster

Chris Dorr has been the editor, proofreader, and designer for ITM since 1996. In 2000 he became the Webmaster for ITM Online, the IEP Website, and the Internet Journal articles.