Coriandrum sativum

Plant family: Apiaceae aka Umbelliferae (Carrot family)

Part used: fruit (aka seed)

Taste: spicy, sweet

Historical commentary: The herb was introduced from the East (mainly Arabia and India), and brought to Europe by the Romans during their early invasions. Hippocrates recommended its use.


Digestive aid: relieves gas and bloating (carminative), improves appetite and alleviates gastric insufficiency and distress (stomachic), and relieves intestinal cramping (intestinal antispasmodic). Note: in Europe, coriander is mainly used as an adjunct to laxative herbs, particularly senna.

Modern findings: The herb has antispasmodic and lipid-lowering actions, mainly due to the volatile oils.

Dosage: 3 grams; less in formulas that have other herbs with essential oils.

Active constituents: There is a small amount of volatile oil (about 1%), but this is considered the principal active constituent. The main oil component is linalool. It also contains fatty oils, such as linolenic oil, which may provide an anti-inflammatory action.

Cautions: None noted.

Künzle Formula: Laxative Tea.