Camellia sinensis

Plant family: Theaceae (Tea family)

Part used: leaf

Taste: bitter, sweet

Historical commentary: The herb was established long ago as a leading beverage and also a medicinal in China, which remains the primary producer; other countries in the region have taken up tea production, notably India and Japan. In Europe, it is one of the essential beverage herbs.


Digestive aid: alleviates indigestion and promotes digestion of stagnant food, especially fatty foods.

Analgesic: alleviates headache.

Anti-inflammatory: relieves inflammation of the intestines and of the respiratory tract.

Modern findings: The polyphenols of tea have been extensively studied as health protective agents, with potential benefits for lowering risk of cardiovascular diseases, cancer, liver inflammation, and other conditions. Theanine has been shown to have calming effects.

Dosage: 3 grams.

Active constituents: polyphenols, caffeine*, and theanine. The polyphenols comprise about one-third the weight of green tea and are a key ingredient.

Cautions: none noted.

Künzle Formula: Tea for Flu.

*the tea used in the herb formulation is decaffeinated so that it may be used freely at night.